Health & Fitness Coaching for Christian Men

Jonathon Strefling, DPT, Cert. MDT, PDS • Sep 04, 2023

Coaching Christian men to be leaner, stronger and healthier in order to save the world.

We are on a mission to multiply the efforts of Christian men and their families by providing lifetime strength, fitness & nutrition coaching in Christian community.

We want Christian men & their families to learn how to live a sustainably healthier & stronger life so that they may live BETTER and LONGER...


For the sake of a much-needed Christian resurgence in order to bless the world, beginning in the household and starting with men who are currently not fighting well in part because of excess weight, poor sleep & energy, irritability, feeling wimpy or weak, and/or lacking drive & leadership.

On the surface, this may look like sustainably dropping excess fat, adding muscle, running your first 5k, lowering your blood pressure, improving your metabolic health, and/or gaining much needed energy & drive.

Godly men should be men of "gravitas". If that's not you for any of the above reasons, we might be able to help.

How Can I Join?

You can come aboard our movement in a couple of ways:

1. Group App ($7/mo)

This is a great way to see what we're about. We are growing a movement of Christian men who are encouraging one another in their specific goals. This is also where I will post a variety of useful tips toward Christian fitness. This may come in the form of helpful podcasts, lifting tips, recipes, running tips, injury prevention, and more (see "More About Us" below for more details).


If you have questions, email me:

2. Personal Coaching (Free consult, then $100 programming set-up fee, then $75/mo for a limited time)

If you have specific goals and need a plan, greater accountability and coaching, this might be the best option for you.

We first obtain baselines and then set up a personalized YEAR-LONG general plan for nutrition, cardiovascular & strength areas based on your goals. We then we give you more specific monthly, weekly, and daily plans through the app, where you'll have access to me any time for questions.

To the right is an example of what your dashboard would look like with 1-on-1 coaching.

The $100 is a 1x fee that covers your first month. It is then $75/mo thereafter (for a limited time) and you can cancel any time. You will have FREE membership into the group mentioned above.


If you have questions, email me:

We pray you find this helpful. Please use the buttons below if you would like more information.

Go steward your body well!

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