Strength Training in Youth Athletes Reduces Injuries by 66%

Jonathon Strefling, DPT • Mar 02, 2023

 Strength training has also been shown to improve speed, power, endurance, flexibility, balance, and motor performance.

Recent studies by Lauersen, et al (and here) along with numerous other studies have confirmed that resistance training (think barbells and dumbbells) are the most important factor in injury prevention, both for acute injuries and overuse injuries.

Strength Training Study

Strength training alone appeared to be more effective at maximizing injury risk reduction, even when compared to specific injury prevention programs.

The additional benefits to strength training shown were in the areas of speed, power, endurance, flexibility, balance, and motor performance.

What about adults?

The study showed a 40% reduction across all ages. So yes, even for the Weekend Warrior, this is a good strategy to avoid injury.

Hopefully this helps convince you to get into the gym (or your basement) and start throwing around some weights! If you need help in how to get started, we can help.

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